Monday 1 September 2014



 ..according to some payola advocate sites it is purported that a most neoteric advocate to the  consequentialist phenomenon at MEDJUGORJE has stated..that the POPE is keen on everything related to this sense the hermeneutic of this keen-ness must be taken within a particular context...otherwise one is left wondering from amphiboly ..and so true to form we the readers are insulted by the dangling modifier..such are the artifices of the MEDJUGOJRE pundits...never explaining in what way is the POPE keen to know about MEDJUGORJE..

The Cardinal answered that as a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith he has been part of the study conducted on the Medjugorje phenomenon and pointed out that it was significant that Pope Francis had requested the Commission’s completed study before the CDF deliberated on the outcome – because the Pope is keen on everything related to Medjugorje.

The Cardinal also said that although some members of the Commission had viewed with suspicion claims that the Virgin has appeared daily for so long, he answered this question by explaining that the Lord had appeared to St Faustina several times a day and this was approved by the Church who canonised the Polish nun.

 -Crown of Stars Blogspot aug. 28, 2014

... from the Good Cardinal Schonborn we are told through the machinations of selective observation and faulty analogy that since the Church has canonized sister Faustina in regards the Divine Mercy must follow the veracity of MEdjugorje should be taken for granted and all the subsequent catchers (seers) might even be canonised... according to the fallacy of the faulty analogy..we have an operational fallacy of which it is assumed that since  two things are alike in some respects it would follow..a simplicter...that all the conditions  be assumed cogent congruent & favoured...

 ..however concerning the phenomenon of the Divine Mercy sister Faustina was most obedient to her Bishop..and she did hand over any and all writing before publishing or attributing a supernatural character to her communiqué...and this is normal procedure according to Canon 823 & 824 of the Church...

 ..yet in MEDJUGORJE no messages have ever been handed over for proper Church approbation as well in the early stages of the Phenomenon the public was told of a divine parchment on which was written the ten secrets given to the visionary Mirjana..yet she has never disclosed this magic parchment to anyone...also...we are told that the seer known as Vicka has received from the Virgin herself the complete life story of the Virgin Mary...and from a well known MEDJUGORJE tabloid we are told this tract is written in a special glyph or script which ensures no one is able to read it until the VIRGIN gives her permission...also this Biography of the Virgin has never been made available to any Church Authorities...


“Visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic’s notes of the Virgin Mary’s life story are written in a script that protects them from being read before Mary has given permission, new book from renowned author tells. The procedure resembles the one to be used for the revelation of another seer’s secrets.”

-Medjugorje Today Feb. 8, 2013


.. the Faulty Analogy and the use of selective observation are irreducibly evident..and after a minimal amount of reasonable deliberation one is better able to see there are more DIFFERENCES between MEDJUGORJE and the DIVINE MERCY phenomenon..than  are there similarities...

..and so one strains the imagination in awe..that such a high ranking official of the Catholic Church could be so cursory with his discernment...indeed it is as if the Church were condoning the attitude that as long as good comes from officious lies and detractions that all is well..since God will sort it right in the end..yet this is the anti-thesis to the spirit the Church has been founded...the Catholic Church is not a utilitarian consequentialist organization...the Church stands for the ideals of the eternal law..and all the principles for Godly living are contained within her borders...the CHurch is not built upon the liar's paradox...
Saint Jerome concerning the Liar's paradox

"I said in my alarm, 'Every man is a liar!' "(Psalms 116:11) Is David telling the truth or is he lying? If it is true that every man is a liar, and David's statement, "Every man is a liar" is true, then David also is lying; he, too, is a man. But if he, too, is lying, his statement: "Every man is a liar," consequently is not true. Whatever way you turn the proposition, the conclusion is a contradiction. Since David himself is a man, it follows that he also is lying; but if he is lying because every man is a liar, his lying is of a different sort." lie and deceive in order to bring about good is a dialetheism..this is a short we are told in order to be sinless we must sin..indeed the sincere credulous faithful do not knowingly sin..yet they do it through tacit becoming an accessory to the disobedience of the seers...namely through praise, consent, concealment, partaking & through defence of the evil done against the Good Bishop of MEDJUGORJE....

..for since evil has no formal cause.. evil is the result of a good creature not acting according to the good for which it was created..and so falls short of its purpose.. so there is no final cause for evil either which is a purely evil construct..since for evil to exist it must be admixed with a good..for as was said evil has no form..since evil itself is a lack of form...evil is a privation of the good..the only way in which evil can bring about anything good is incidentally...such as when a man runs from a burning house to save his life..or he shows great valour by running into a house which is burning to save others..the evil is not the cause formally ..but only the instrument used to evince the good..and so too with MEDJUGORJE..the phenomenon itself is tainted with inscrutable irreconcilable contradictions yet the faith of sincere individuals has gleaned good from this spiritual burning to speak... let us all direct our thoughts to the good and avoid evil...amen

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