Wednesday 7 May 2014



..the dubious spirituality attached to the MEDJUGORJE phenonmenon has as its efficient cause direct disobedience to Church Canons and direct precepts and proclamations of Church Agents...
..however people still flock to this unauthorized place owing to a collective hysteria which owing to pastoral directives of the Church has confused the laity into believing God has blessed the contempt of the seers and the promoters of this schismatic rale against Church norms and procedures for discerning private revelation.... is a video which may help those true lovers of God who wish to discern better the action of God in the mystical numinous dark light of which all authentic mystics are drawn to through grace and wish to be taken up and consumed in the beloved as sacred moths.. so the saying goes.... girim imus nocte et comsumimur igni...
we enter the circle at night and are consumed by fire
..that is by the night of faith we are consumed by the fire which consumes but never burns and like a cautery tempers our emotions so that we search God out in spirit and not in the flesh...
from the cloud of unknowing we have an exposition to those who wish to apprentice in the true mystical life
..Good luck friend in the spirit...amen

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