Thursday, 17 October 2013



......the discernment of spirits is essential for anyone who professes to be a lover of Christ...this is why if one chooses a more arduous and trying must become aware of the myriad snares of the devil or the strivings of the ego and finally be acquainted with the light yoke of the spirit of God which to the ego may seem at times intolerable due to its nature of being the stubborn ass which St. Francis aptly described it...

...this summary will deal with the action and characteristics of the spirit of the devil which as many know is subtle beguiling and diffident to reproof, bitterly inclined toward destruction yet at the outset it will scatter a semblance of Good before its prey in order to lead into the catacombs of the minotaur or the unsuspecting short sighted single eyed spirituality of the self... that is why spiritually we have two eyes as a mirror of the physical the spiritual eyes we have proper discernment which understands good from better and best and bad from worse to worst..the passive eye sees and the active eye understands (discerns) is faith and reason working together....of course subtle shades of grey appear along the way and if one is fresh in the spiritual journey they will still be prone to the call of the ego when the way of CHrist grows dry and wearisome....

..if we are availed of charity then we will pine for the salvation of each other and so when we see good souls drawn to calamity we should rightly offer assisstance and so it goes.... from a celebrated spiritual master is an excerpt from the Three Ages of the Interior Life: we see in the image above the devil pipes unsound doctrines into a person's head turning them into a piping hypocrite indeed making discordant sounds as a bagpipe full of says they love the Church yet they ignore her Bishops acting within their scope says they have devotion to Mary yet they are not humble like Mary is in spirit and do not submit themselves to sound advice from their spiritual superiors  (local Ordinaries) Bishops conferences  ie Zadar commission stating it is not possible to realize anything supernatural occuring at MEDJUGORJE...indeed such advocates seemingly cannot endure a reasoned approach since they are entranced or under a spell..they are told to use their heart and the devil knows the way to one's desolation is through feelings and desires since it is through the desires and the lower appetites that one can be brought into intellectual submission and sold into spiritual slavery.....

The devil first lifts us up by inspiring us with pride, subsequently to cast us down into trouble, discouragement, and even despair. To recognize his influence, we must consider it in relation to mortification, humility, and the three theological virtues.
The devil does not necessarily, as nature does, disincline us to mortification; on the contrary, he urges certain souls toward an exaggerated, very visible, exterior mortification, especially in centers where it is held in honor. Such a course of action keeps pride alive and ruins health. But the devil does not incline a soul to the interior mortification of the imagination, heart, self-will, and personal judgment, although he sometimes simulates it in us by inspiring us with scruples about trifles and great liberality on dangerous or serious matters. He gives us a great opinion of ourselves, leads us to prefer ourselves to others, to boast of ourselves, unwittingly to pray like the Pharisee.
This spiritual pride is often accompanied by a false humility which makes us speak ill of ourselves on certain points in order to hinder others from speaking ill about us on another point, and in order to give the impression that we are humble. Or indeed it makes us confound humility with timidity, which is rather the fear of re­buffs and scorn.
Instead of nourishing faith by the consideration of the teaching of the Gospel, the spirit of evil draws the attention of certain souls to what is most extraordinary and marvelous, of a nature to make us esteemed, or again to what is foreign to our vocation. He inspires a missionary with the thought of becoming a Carthusian, a Carthusian with that of going to evangelize the infidel. Or, on the contrary, he leads others to minimize the supernatural, to modernize faith by the reading, for example, of liberal, Protestant works.
His way of exciting hope is to give rise to presumption, to lead us to wish to be saints immediately without traversing the indispensable stages and the way of abnegation. He even inspires us with a certain impatience with ourselves and with vexation instead of contrition.
Far from causing our charity to grow, he cultivates self-love in us and, according to temperaments and circumstances, makes charity deviate either in the direction of a humanitarian sentimentalism of extreme indulgence, or toward liberalism under the guise of generosity, or, on the contrary, toward a bitter zeal, which chides others indiscriminately instead of correcting itself. He shows us the mote in our neighbor's eye, when there is a beam in our own.
Instead of giving peace, this spirit engenders dissensions, hatreds. People no longer dare to talk to us; we would not put up with contradiction. An encumbering personalism can thus lead a man to see only himself and unconsciously to place himself on a pedestal.
Should we commit a very evident sin, which we cannot conceal, we fall into confusion, vexation, discouragement; and the devil, who veiled the danger from us before the sin, now exaggerates the difficulties of turning back to God and seeks to lead us to spiritual desolation. He fashions souls to his own image; he rose through pride and he fell in despair.
Great care must therefore be exercised if we have lively sensible devotion and come forth from prayer with increased self-love, preferring ourselves to others, failing in simplicity with our superiors and director. The lack of humility and obedience is a certain indication that it is not God who guides us. REGINALD GARRIGOU-LAGRANGE, O.P.

.... indeed we see lack of holy-humility and obedience to superiors and spiritual directors is a certain indication that God is not guiding us...

...remember the devil does not show his horns right away..he is a consummate spirit of insidious trickery... this spirit adopts different cunning guises (masks) and so let us all be wise and as not to be fooled by superficial veneers of piety....

....let us all inspired by a spirit of humility and zeal for spiritual introspection and punctiliousness call to mind our own impetus for love and by doing so reach out to those who are most in need...

...As Jesus had said in the Gospel to the God fearing woman that her faith had healed her..if one understands that faith is a gift from God which causes the intellect of man to be raised to a more divine inclination and so such an act cannot be made by the human will alone... since man cannot raise himself to a higher potential without divine aid and so in an interior way God moves the soul...

The Pelagians held that this cause was nothing else than man's free-will: and consequently they said that the beginning of faith is from ourselves, inasmuch as, to wit, it is in our power to be ready to assent to things which are of faith, but that the consummation of faith is from God, Who proposes to us the things we have to believe. But this is false, for, since man, by assenting to matters of faith, is raised above his nature, this must needs accrue to him from some supernatural principle moving him inwardly; and this is God. Therefore faith, as regards the assent which is the chief act of faith, is from God moving man inwardly by grace.

-Summa Theologica (Question 6. The Cause of Faith, Article 1. Whether faith is infused into man by God?)...

...indeed we can see also that since God does not contradict himself we will see that a phenomenon which may be said to be an instrumental aid to grace cannot subvert the Church and Its heart where Christ dwells as the fountain of all we see Faith and the manner of healing will not come about through contradictory short God will not  move souls to contradict his magisters and the successors to his we see that God is logical and rational...and any genuine healing or miracle must occur directly through Jesus the sacraments and then other Church approved instrumental channels which do not supplant proper Church dictates....since many apparent cures happen at other Non-Christian Holy Sites this is not a verification of supernaturality since God is not his own enemy unless such a healing moves one toward his Heart which resides in the Church..all grace pours from Christ and all faith is gifted by God and faith is the vehicle for miracles so we see that temporal locales whether curiosity or belief stanchioned  remain only phenomenological spiritual artifacts  for the quickening of faith and are not the direct sources ....indeed the devil has been known to cause sickness in an agent and after a time remove the offending cause and thereby consummate an apparent miraculous healing.....

...although Kabir the Philospher makes a cogent point about the efficacy of artifact without faith ..still a voice for the spirit of the world (rational relativism)....without faith one is bent and blinded .... chained by sin in the  cave of rational relative sense with  a back to the divine seeing the shadows of things as they are absolutely passing through the periphery of our subjectivity... it is through faith we are healed and set on the path to true actuality....

“There is nothing but water in the holy pools. I know, I have been swimming there. All the gods sculpted of wood or ivory can’t say a word. I know, I have been crying out to them. The Sacred Books of the East are nothing but words. I looked through their covers one day sideways. What Kabir talks of is only what he has lived through. If you have not lived through something, it is not true.”

...without faith we are spiritually amaurotic ..let us not blind our faith by empiric realism.......

Sunday, 13 October 2013



...indeed without the aid of reason we become paralyzed by emotion and the desires of a fickle heart.....the tempestuous sea of choice can only be traversed if we deposit our faith on the barque of Peter and tether our reason therein... indeed the Secrets of MEDJUGORJE vitiate a soul's capacity for interior PEACE by replacing HOPE in the future with ANXIETY about the future and by a mimesis of HOLY FEAR with spiritual TERRORISM & DREAD...... we see in MEDJUGORJE we have a select group of individuals who share in some secret which no one outside of their small cadre of holiness can be privy to..indeed we are told that prayer and fasting may overt the calamities which will befall us however we are never told what we are to fear...hence we are to fear nothing more than fear itself...yet by these same seers we are told to embrace this duplicitous message how can one live in a constant state of impending disaster yet at the same time hold to a spirit of calm and serenity interiorly???...

...hence one becomes a slave to the apparitions..since this interior state of dread caused by the secretism causes a morbid and fantastic dependence within the must follow the apparitions and the messages so as to keep abreast of the information...if one wishes to be part of the secret club then one must be INFORMED...lest one misses any part of the directive and fall into we see people wrapt with curiosity as to the contents of the next message in hopes that some new state of affairs or directive for action be made manifest...yes this whole phenomenon is a well orchestrated operation to subvert church authority by usurping the throne or primacy of Christ....

... The occult (from the Latin word occultus "clandestine, hidden, secret")…yes well indeed we have a hegemony …where a select group is influencing a veiled power over others through a clandestine secretive pact…

….we are told by the seers that the VIRGIN has confided many secrets to each one…however we as the intended beneficiaries of God's grace are never made privy to any concrete communications...the element of the numinous is being used to keep us entranced and to pique our interests in a string of banal messages...the secrets become the dressing on the that we dont get tired of the fare....

…this begs the question…if the VIRGIN loves us so much..why does she keep secrets from us???....indeed maybe we cannot handle the truth???...indeed is the VIRGIN MARY hiding information from us ..information that will save us from imminent doom…what is one to think???...

…in effect the VIRGIN is insulting our intelligence and sensibilities…from this message of inherent secretism we are told that we do not have the capabilities to be held responsible for figuring out our role in the mystical body of Christ..we are told to rely on the seers and the messages and leave the THINKING to them..all we are told to do is pray and fast and to think peaceful thoughts in oblivious adoration..all the while keeping in the back of our minds the impending disaster which awaits us lest we lose track of diligence and fail to meet our end of the bargain..indeed this is quite the cult is a coercion of fear…mind control…

..indeed followers of the messages are made to feel guilty if they do not pray or fast…devotions are turned into chores…as St’ Louis DeMontfort tells us in his treatise on true devotion to Mary..he tells that there are also false devotions to Mary…

Superficial Devotees


"Superficial devotees are people whose entire devotion to
our Lady consists in exterior practices. Only the externals of
devotion appeal to them because they have no interior spirit.
They say many rosaries with great haste and assist at many
Masses distractedly. They take part in processions of our Lady
without inner fervour. They join her confraternities without
reforming their lives or restraining their passions or
imitating Mary's virtues….”

St. Louis DeMontfort

…a society based on secretism points to a social elite …secret carriers….who through the possession of some sacred communiqué place themselves on a higher intellectual plateau…the seduction of the uninitiated occurs when a timid and lost soul wanders into this web of deception…the secret adds mystery and intrigue to a dull and tepid life...the secret becomes the seduction....people who have been slaves to addiction or those who are emotionally vulnerable due to emotional abuse or loss of a significant other and who have trouble making up decisions for themselves tend to fall prey to this type of phenomenon…the seers and the messages now play the role of the drug or the significant other who was the dominant figure in past relationships whether abusive or otherwise…Dependent personality disorder (DPD), formerly known as asthenic personality disorder, is a personality disorder that is characterized by a pervasive psychological dependence on other people...

..a dependent personality falls amid the C Cluster of personality disorder classification and this type of person is generally very ANXIOUS and insecure..hence the need for someone to control them and offer them constant well they are a prime candidate for long pilgrimages and constant journeys since they are impatient and solicitous and cannot sit in one place for too long... this resltlessness is assuaged by following the seers as they make their way around the globe or by visiting medjugorje ad nauseum..some adherents have indeed visited 20 or even 30 times...

.... so we see that this type of person falls prey to the message of MEDJUGORJE more readily..which is one of PEACE...if one prays and fasts and attends the sacraments then peace will ensue...indeed it is good to do all these things however it is bad to subvert the normal authority of the church and replace that authority in a maverick cavalier way as the seers of MEDJUGORJE have done...let us all examine ourselves through a recollected conscience....amen

Saturday, 12 October 2013



......the discernment of spirits is essential for anyone who professes to be a lover of Christ...this is why if one chooses a more arduous and trying must become aware of the myriad snares of the devil or the strivings of the ego and finally be acquainted with the light yoke of the spirit of God which to the ego may seem at times intolerable due to its nature of being the stubborn ass which St. Francis aptly described it...
...this summary will deal with the action and characteristics of the spirit of the devil which as many know is subtle beguiling and diffident to reproof, bitterly inclined toward destruction yet at the outset it will scatter a semblance of Good before its prey in order to lead into the catacombs of the minotaur or the unsuspecting short sighted single eyed spirituality of lack of discernment... that is why spiritually we have two eyes as a mirror of the physical the spiritual eyes we have proper discernment which understands good from better and best and bad from worse to worst..of course subtle shades of grey appear along the way and if one is fresh in the spiritual journey they will still be prone to the call of the ego when the way of CHrist grows dry and wearisome....
..if we are availed of charity then we will pine for the salvation of each other and so when we see good souls drawn to calamity we should rightly offer assisstance and so it goes.... from a celebrated spiritual master is an excerpt from the Three Ages of the Interior Life: we see in the image above the devil pipes unsound doctrines into a person's head turning them into a piping hypocrite indeed making discordant sounds as a bagpipe full of error...
The devil first lifts us up by inspiring us with pride, subsequently to cast us down into trouble, discouragement, and even despair. To recognize his influence, we must consider it in relation to mortification, humility, and the three theological virtues.
The devil does not necessarily, as nature does, disincline us to mortification; on the contrary, he urges certain souls toward an exaggerated, very visible, exterior mortification, especially in centers where it is held in honor. Such a course of action keeps pride alive and ruins health. But the devil does not incline a soul to the interior mortification of the imagination, heart, self-will, and personal judgment, although he sometimes simulates it in us by inspiring us with scruples about trifles and great liberality on dangerous or serious matters. He gives us a great opinion of ourselves, leads us to prefer ourselves to others, to boast of ourselves, unwittingly to pray like the Pharisee.
This spiritual pride is often accompanied by a false humility which makes us speak ill of ourselves on certain points in order to hinder others from speaking ill about us on another point, and in order to give the impression that we are humble. Or indeed it makes us confound humility with timidity, which is rather the fear of re­buffs and scorn.
Instead of nourishing faith by the consideration of the teaching of the Gospel, the spirit of evil draws the attention of certain souls to what is most extraordinary and marvelous, of a nature to make us esteemed, or again to what is foreign to our vocation. He inspires a missionary with the thought of becoming a Carthusian, a Carthusian with that of going to evangelize the infidel. Or, on the contrary, he leads others to minimize the supernatural, to modernize faith by the reading, for example, of liberal, Protestant works.
His way of exciting hope is to give rise to presumption, to lead us to wish to be saints immediately without traversing the indispensable stages and the way of abnegation. He even inspires us with a certain impatience with ourselves and with vexation instead of contrition.
Far from causing our charity to grow, he cultivates self-love in us and, according to temperaments and circumstances, makes charity deviate either in the direction of a humanitarian sentimentalism of extreme indulgence, or toward liberalism under the guise of generosity, or, on the contrary, toward a bitter zeal, which chides others indiscriminately instead of correcting itself. He shows us the mote in our neighbor's eye, when there is a beam in our own.
Instead of giving peace, this spirit engenders dissensions, hatreds. People no longer dare to talk to us; we would not put up with contradiction. An encumbering personalism can thus lead a man to see only himself and unconsciously to place himself on a pedestal.
Should we commit a very evident sin, which we cannot conceal, we fall into confusion, vexation, discouragement; and the devil, who veiled the danger from us before the sin, now exaggerates the difficulties of turning back to God and seeks to lead us to spiritual desolation. He fashions souls to his own image; he rose through pride and he fell in despair.
Great care must therefore be exercised if we have lively sensible devotion and come forth from prayer with increased self-love, preferring ourselves to others, failing in simplicity with our superiors and director. The lack of humility and obedience is a certain indication that it is not God who guides us. REGINALD GARRIGOU-LAGRANGE, O.P.

.... indeed we see lack of holy-humility and obedience to superiors and spiritual directors is a certain indication that God is not guiding us...

...remember the devil does not show his horns right away..he is a consummate spirit of insidious trickery... this spirit adopts different cunning guises (masks) and so let us all be wise and as not to fooled by superficial veneers of piety....

....let us all inspired by a spirit of humility and zeal for spiritual introspection and punctiliousness call to mind our own impetus for love and by doing so reach out to those who are most in need...amen

Friday, 11 October 2013




..from the latin temperare or to mix in proportionate equity...Temperance as a virtue gives one the means by which one may regulate their natural appetite for sensible pleasure according to proper reason....

..without temperance one falls prey to impetuosity, inordinate zeal, and finally one becomes bold with God and falls into all sorts of errors of reason...such a person claims to know God’s will believes they are saved through irresistible grace or readily adopts unseemly habits such as spiritual gluttony or presumption....

...temperance informs the will as to how moderately one should cleave to the object of the desire of the appetite.... and so temperance helps control the amount of pleasure or delight the human heart may be attracted to...temperance also reigns concupiscence which owing to the first sin of Adam we are prone to out of habit as a frailty of our fallen nature....

..without temperance one cannot practice holy fear it says in scripture..

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A good understanding to all that do it: his praise continueth for ever and ever.

                                       -Psalm 110:10 Douay Rheims

...without Holy fear one cannot practice chastity of the senses or modesty of the short one becomes bold with God through presumption and feels they are duly appointed to be the objective judge of right and wrong by their own subjective reasoning..such a one will eventually come to dissidence with the established doctrines and the traditions of the magisterium....

As John of the cross says about lack of Holy Fear...

"... the devil causes many to believe in vain visions and false prophecies; and strives to make them presume that God and the saints are speaking with them; and they often trust their own fancy. And the devil is also accustomed, in this state, to fill them with presumption and pride, so that they become attracted by vanity and arrogance, and allow themselves to be seen engaging in outward acts which appear holy, such as raptures and other manifestations. Thus they become bold with God, and lose holy fear, which is the key
and custodian of all the virtues; and in some of these souls so many are the falsehoods and deceits which tend to multiply, and so inveterate do they grow, that it is very doubtful if such souls will return to the pure road of virtue and true spirituality."


..and so this is why it is said that of the four cardinal virtues  Holy Temperance ensconces one to acts of humility and moves one to trust in God’s ministers...of course Temperance also guards one against pride and affords the proper action of reason in all it was often said by a wise spiritual advisor..we are called to follow the divine master himself (Jesus) to be aimiable and just in all our dealings and to seek moderation and balance in life...John the Baptist with his animal hides and wild honey demeanour as a harbinger of Christ is a good model for those who choose a life of heroic virtue however as workers in the vineyard of the active life using the model of Christ as a balanced courteous shepherd to all is a more prudent guide to spiritual health.... let us see what the wise spiritual saints have to say about the virtue of Temperance.....

From: The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage:

By inward and ghostly temperance and sobriety a man preserves firmness and constancy of faith, purity of intelligence, that tranquillity of reason necessary to the comprehension of truth, an impulse towards all virtues according to the will of God, peace of heart, and serenity of conscience. And herewith he possesses an enduring peace, in God and in himself.........

.........From this zeal there spring temperance and sobriety, both inward and outward; for none can possess the right measure of sobriety save him who is greatly zealous and diligent to keep his soul and body in righteousness. Sobriety divides the higher powers from the animal powers; it saves a man from intemperance and from excess. Sobriety wishes neither to taste, nor to know, those things which are forbidden


-Jan Van Ruysbroeck

"Virtues are formed by prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven."

-- St. Ephraim the Syrian


Abba Pambo asked Abba Anthony, 'What ought I to

do?' and the old man said to him 'Do not trust in your own

righteousness do not worry about the past, but control your tongue and your stomach...

-St. Anthony of the desert

...the little bit of wood that is used to prod the vine
branches when they are burning is consumed utterly in likeness by being entirely burnt up by the fire; in the same way, man purifies his soul in the fear of God, and the fear of God controls the appetites and burns up his body..leaving the spirit clean..

-Abba Macarius the Egyptian

…Temperance also has a corresponding gift, namely, fear, whereby man is withheld from the pleasures of the flesh, according to Psalm 118:120: "Pierce Thou my flesh with Thy fear." The gift of fear has for its principal object God, Whom it avoids offending, and in this respect it corresponds to the virtue of hope, as stated above (19, 09, ad 1). But it may have for its secondary object whatever a man shuns in order to avoid offending God. Now man stands in the greatest need of the fear of God in order to shun those things which are most seductive, and these are the matter of temperance: wherefore the gift of fear corresponds to temperance also…..

-Thoma Aquinas-Summa Theologica(Question 141. Temperance, Article 1. Whether Temperance is a virtue, reply to objection 3)


Friday, 4 October 2013


MEDJUGORJE MESSAGE :  ARGUMENTUM AD BACULUM & the Spiritual Syndicate of MEDJUGORJE argument from force or from the stick or the cudgel..we are told at MEDJUGORJE that if we do not believe we should prepare ourselves for dire consequences...


.the AD BACULUM argument is a logical fallacy which utilizes the coercion of threats of violence upon the agent if so ever they are not inclined to accept certain arbitrary and dubitable demands....

..indeed what we have transpiring at this place is a flavour of Spiritual Syndicate where the unaware innocent lambs are forced to pay up their spiritual tithes of rosaries and fasts and expensive pilgrimages to an unapproved site lest they fall into unforeseen difficulty which impends somewhere on the sequestered horizon...

..of course all this is spiritual blackmail in the avenues of criminal organization there is a scheme known as the Protection Racket...

Protection Racket

A business combination of extortion schemes controlled by a criminal syndicate. For the "promise" of security, significant sums of money are seized from persons, businesses, communities, or even nations. While the racketeer may in fact provide real protection, it is at a cost the victim would never voluntarily assume under normal circumstances. Often the promise of security is accompanied by a veiled threat

Online Urban Dictionary

...of course the protection in this case is inferred and supplied only if the easy makes or seductees listen and abide by the messages of the GOSPA....indeed the veiled threat we have at MEDJUGORJE are the TEN special |Secrets which may be averted if the messages and demands of OUR Lady are met...

..if OUR LADY is involved in such an enterprise then one  may be well perplexed..however offering the benefit of the doubt one may reason a point has been missed and that one may say  Our Lady is using these innocent seers as instruments of Peace to avert disaster which the death of Christ on the Cross was insufficient to effect....????..or is she reminding us of something we have forgotten and through the white noise & heedlessness have become inured to such tendentious and trite pathologic indenture... MEDJUGORJE we are told that if we do not respond to the appeals of our Lady and the messages purveyed by the anti-episcopal contumacious seers themselves then one will suffer imminent cataclysm  and spiritual contumely.... the case of MEDJUGORJE the psychological terrorism is invected upon the timid and those who lack  knowledge or through catechetical remiss have not the basic grasp of  Church teaching to realize that no-one is bound by the Church to accept any revelation outside the deposit of faith with pain of damnation owing to an ignored private revelation..indeed if the Church chooses to make any revelation worthy of belief or free from error then it is prudential to give the assent of the mind and will however the faith should always stay reigned on the direct dogmas of the Church itself revealed through scripture or handed down through the traditions of the apostles.....


...Mary Pray for Us....amen

Thursday, 3 October 2013



 ...the spiritual quagmire that is the phenomenon of MEDJUGORJE is a substantial departure from the truth contained within the Gospel...the truth of which Jesus announced he was the incarnation of and of whom this truth ennobled within would make one free... be prepossessed of spiritual poverty one must not forsake material goods per se but be at odds with them if these articles tear asunder a soul from  love of Christ and engendering of truth within.... be spiritually impoverished means to remove all obstacles which stand in the way of  the achievement of perfect spiritual potency....whether thought, desire, or temporal chattel.... some vocations the use of material goods is a benefit yet in other vocations material goods can hinder God’s will for a soul..indeed the beauty of poverty is seen in the merit which is awarded to the practitioner who for love of the privations and sacrifices which involve its practice unites a soul to the Cross of Christ through true unity of the mystical body of Christ.... be spiritually impoverished means to be empty of any impetus for action save that of desiring to do God’s will in all things.. the pursuit of heroic virtue a vow of poverty is required as a promise to God that interiorly one will forsake all temporal conveniences in a spirit of constant renunciation in order to follow Christ to the best of one’s ability.... summary to be spiritually impoverished means to mortify the memory of any temporal good and fill it with hope of the world to come.... POPE FRANCIS chose as his eponym  St. Francis of Assisi or Il poverello (the  poor one)...

....St Francis was a mendicant friar of the middle ages who was gifted with  graces and nurtured the holy desire to emulate Christ ...conscientiously seeking Christ in the poor and preach the Gospel with actions since through obedience to the whims of one’s neighbour one cannot fake the action yet one can easily fake the exterior expression (acting).... we see to practice poverty one must vow and promise God that one will be obedient to one’s neighbour in whom Christ dwells...and also to be obedient to ones spiritual superiors ..upon our baptism and subsequent confirmation we all make a reasonable tacit vow to pursue Christ and forsake satan who is the spirit of contention...and so we see as it makes it clear in the Catholic Encyclopedia...


A sin against the vow of poverty is necessarily an offence against the virtue of religion, and when committed in connexion with religious profession it is even a sacrilege. It may be a grave or a slight offence. The question, what matter is grave, causes great difficulty to moral theologians; and while some regard the appropriation of one franc as a grave matter, others are more lenient. Most theologians are inclined to compare the sin against the vow of poverty with the sin of theft, and say that the same amount which would make theft a mortal sin would, if appropriated contrary to the vow, constitute a grave offence against poverty

.now to end this short summary of holy poverty we can reflect on a verse from the little flowers of St. Francis and from some of the wisdom from one his early followers Brother Giles….


A certain Religious once complained of his superior in the presence of Brother Giles, because of a severe obedience which he had received from him; to whom Brother Giles made answer: "Dearest brother, the more thou complainest, the heavier dost thou make thy burden, and the harder will it be to carry; but the more humbly and devoutly thou submittest thy neck to the yoke of holy obedience, the sweeter and the lighter will that yoke be to bear. But it seems to me that thou art not willing to bear reproach in this world for the love of Christ, and yet desirest in the next world to be with Christ; thou art not willing in this world to be persecuted and evil spoken of for Christ, yet in the other world thou wouldst fain be blessed and welcomed by Christ; thou willest not to labour in this world, and thou wouldst repose and take thy rest in the other. Brother, brother! I tell thee that thou dost grievously deceive thyself, for it is by the way of shame, humiliation and reproach that a man attaineth to true celestial glory; and by patiently enduring derision and contumely for the love of Christ, doth a man attain to the glory of Christ. For the worldly proverb saith well: `He who gives not what costs him something, shall not receive that which he desires.


..when one weighs these words against the phenomenon at MEDJUGORJE one can honestly see many truancies and diversions from the spirit of truth..let us all examine ourselves through a recollected spirit…amen